The Saskatchewan Association of Landscape Architects (SALA) is the organization that represents professional landscape architects in Saskatchewan. Its Members qualify by years of education, training and experience. They subscribe to a code of ethics to ensure professional practices and to protect the interest of clients and the public. This Code of Ethics was officially adopted by the general membership of SALA on 23 April, 2006.
- Landscape Architecture is the application of the art and science of organizing elements on the earth’s surface for human use and enjoyment, combined with a commitment to the protection, conservation and enhancement of the earth’s environmental resources.
- The profession of Landscape Architecture follows the principles of dedication to public health, safety, and welfare and protection of the land and its resources.
- Members shall always respond morally and ethically to personal, social, political, economic, environmental and technological influences to which they may be subject in the practice of landscape architecture
- This code applies to the professional activities of full members of the Saskatchewan Association of Landscape Architects (SALA). Violations of this code should be reported to the Council for disciplinary action.
Ethical Principles
- Respond morally and ethically to personal, social, political, economic, environmental and technological influences to which they may be subject in the practice of landscape architecture.
- Act fairly, honestly and in a manner that can be defended publicly.
- Endeavor to provide the highest possible level of professional services to clients and employers consistent with other ethical and professional responsibilities.
- Never place their own commercial interests, or the commercial interests of their client or employer, above the health, welfare and safety of the public or the integrity of the profession.
- Do not provide professional services for which the member is not qualified.
- Make full disclosure to a client or employer of any financial or other personal interest which may in any way create or appear to create a conflict of interest for the member.
- Do not knowingly contravene, or counsel another to contravene, any law, regulation, bylaw, relevant code of ethics or code of professional conduct.
- Do not reveal the confidences entrusted to them in the course of their practice of landscape architecture unless it becomes necessary in order to protect the welfare of society or the profession.
Professional Practice
- Upon selection to provide professional services, reach agreement with the client or employer as to the nature and extent of such services and the compensation which will be forthcoming.
- Provide landscape architectural services for remuneration that is fully disclosed to the client, and which is both fair and reasonable.
- Render services in an efficient and costeffective manner, so as to serve and protect the client’s or employer’s interest while maintaining acceptable standards of safety and quality.
- Do not withdraw services except for good cause and upon reasonable notice to the employer or client.
- Upon coming into contact with information concerning a breach of law or ethics on a project with which the member is associated, the member shall advise the employer or client, in writing, that such a breach exists. If steps are not taken to deal with the breach, withdraw from involvement in the project.
- Do not disclose, without consent or except as may be required by law, confidential information concerning a client’s or employer’s business affairs, technical methods or processes.
Conduct with other Professionals
- Give full recognition and acknowledgment of the assistance or contribution of any other landscape architect or related professional with whom the member is or has been associated on a project.
- Do not claim or copy the work of another landscape architect or related professional.
- Do not knowingly or recklessly make a false or malicious statement that may injure the professional reputation of another member or other person.
Environmental Ethics
- Members shall display environmental responsibility by:
- – Exerting every effort towards the protection, conservation and enhancement of the earth’s environmental resources.
- – Conserving and enhancing natural, historic and cultural resources.
- – Encouraging environmental conservation, efficient use of water resources, and protection and enhancement of wildlife habitat within the application of the profession.
Use of Professional Stamp
- Professional Stamps are issued only to full members. Stamps are the property of SALA notwithstanding their issuance to members and shall be returned upon request.
- Full members shall affix an imprint or electronic version of their stamp to plans, drawings, details, reports and contract documents, related to their practice of landscape architecture and prepared by them or under their direct supervision.
- Original copies of the stamp should be signed and dated by the member.
- Anyone who feels a member of SALA has violated this code of ethics may file a written charge, with supporting documentation, to any member of the SALA Council. Council will appoint members to an inquiry committee. Based on the investigative findings of the committee, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Disciplinary action may take the form of: a fine; a suspension of membership with reinstatement subject to conditions determined by the Council; or expulsion from the association.
- Costs associated with the investigation may be assigned at the discretion of Council.
- All disciplinary action will be subject to appeal as outlined in the bylaws.