Continuous Learning Program Policy

Date of last revision: March 23, 2023

A. Introduction:

The Continuous Learning Program (CLP) is intended to engage members of the Saskatchewan Association of Landscape Architects (SALA) in furthering their knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities that are relevant to the theory, methods, and practice of landscape architecture. Landscape architecture is a broad-based profession requiring many skills and diverse knowledge. The CLP has been created to accommodate these diverse needs while promoting excellence in practice, skills, and knowledge.

Furthermore, the CLP aims to nurture and advance the profession of Landscape Architecture in Saskatchewan; to strengthen the public’s confidence in SALA; to increase the visibility of SALA and to attain reciprocity within the Canadian Society of Landscape Architecture (CSLA).

Day-to-day work activities are not considered to be part of the program of continuous professional learning and hence cannot be included as such. Professional learning activities exist in many formats and are not limited to traditional in-class learning activities. Activities must be planned, educational, yield new knowledge for the individual member and apply to the practice of landscape architecture. While day-to-day work activities are not to be claimed as Learning Units (LU) it is understood that some LU activity occurs during work time and that Employers may support the CLP by allowing time or providing financial assistance for employees to participate in LUs.

Please visit the Canadian Society of Landscape Architecture for more resources to obtain learning credits.  CSLA – Learning Credit Resources

B. Program Requirements:

Full Members, Full Out of Province Members and Associate Members are required to meet a minimum standard of 14 Learning Units (LU) per year in a specific combination. In addition, up to 10 structured learning units earned in one calendar year can be carried forward into the next calendar year. New Members will be required to submit credits on a prorated basis. Inactive, Honorary, Affiliate, Student and Life Members are excused from the CLP.

Note: The onus is on each member to exercise his/her judgment in determining what constitutes landscape architecture-related activities. The Continuous Learning Committee will review Continuous Learning Annual Reporting Forms to prepare a statistical analysis and review at random, a number of Reporting Forms to verify the CLP LUs claimed. Members are encouraged to provide and identify learning opportunities for their peers.

Please visit the Canadian Society of Landscape Architecture for more resources to obtain learning credits.  CSLA – Learning Credit Resources

C. Reporting, Monitoring, and Compliance:


To maintain the criteria for membership within SALA, members must regularly monitor and report their CLP activities using the online SALA CLP Annual Reporting Form, The CLP Annual Reporting Form will be reviewed for compliance with the CLP Policy by the Practice Review Committee.


In certain exceptional circumstances Members may have the CLP requirements waived by the SALA Council. Special circumstances may include parental, medical or compassionate leave, other extraordinary circumstances, unexpected overseas assignment, or severe financial hardship. Members are encouraged to contact the SALA Council as early as possible to request an exemption. Partial exemptions or pro-rating of the CLP requirements may also be requested.


Random audits and evaluations may be performed by the Practice Review Committee. Members may be asked to provide further information about CLP activities they reported and/or to justify the LUs they claimed for various activities. For this reason, members should keep accurate records and supporting documentation and information regarding their reported activities. Should an audit result in the Practice Review Committee having concerns with the LUs, a report will be submitted to the SALA Council to make a decision. If the LUs are not accepted, the Member will be given a reasonable period of time to fulfill the outstanding CLP requirements.

Non-Compliance and Disciplinary Action

The reporting deadline will be consistent with the due date for SALA fees each year and a notice will be sent out with the SALA invoices. The following actions will be taken should Members not complete the necessary reporting by the deadline:

  • Within one month of the deadline expiring SALA Council will issue a warning to correct and a fine worth 60% of the membership fees to non-compliant Members. The Member will be considered not in good standing.
  • Non-compliant Members have three months from the date of the warning to earn and report the required credits and to pay the fine.
  • Should a Member’s hours remain incomplete and unreported or the fine unpaid beyond the 3 months, the Member will be struck from the register.


Members who disagree with the reporting or acceptability of their CLP activities, they may appeal in writing to the SALA Council and a Committee will be struck to review and reasonably consider such Members’ appeals in accordance with the CLP Policy, the SALA Bylaws and the Code of Ethics. SALA Council will provide a written response to such Members outlining the disposition of the appeal and the reasons for it.

Please visit the Canadian Society of Landscape Architecture for more resources to obtain learning credits.  CSLA – Learning Credit Resources

Learning Units:

Continuous Learning credits are recorded as Learning Units (LU’s). One Learning Unit represents one hour of approved professional learning activity. A total of 14 LUs per year are required. LUs cannot be recorded for time spent in registration, travel, health breaks or social gatherings. LUs can be reported in increments of 15 minutes (0.25 LUs).

Learning Units are categorized as either Structured or Self-Guided depending upon the learning activity. Please see the SALA website for a list of recognized LU providers and upcoming learning events.

A minimum of 10 Structured Learning units are required and the remaining number of LUs can be any combination of Structured or Self-Guided. There are no yearly maximum LUs. Should more LUs be acquired in a year than the minimum, up to 10 structured LUs can be carried over the following year.

1. Structured Learning minimum 10 per year

Structured LU’s are derived from activities that include any organized courses, meetings, seminars, and workshops that are either provided by SALA, CSLA and its Affiliates, or by an external provider or group, which may or may not be recognized in advance by SALA. These activities would include organized and distance-education activities with live interaction and set learning goals. The delivery of the activity does not have to be ‘in-person’ but must have the opportunity to be interactive, allowing for an exchange of information. 

Examples of Activities Deemed to be Structured Learning Units
See events page for upcoming opportunities that qualify as structured learning units.

  • Attendance at SALA/CSLA and landscape architecture related professional conference sessions
  • Participation in guided walking tours or mobile workshops locally, regionally, and internationally
  • Attendance and associated study within formal courses
  • Attendance at organized workshops/seminars/lectures/product demonstrations
  • Preparation/presentation of material for lectures/workshops/seminars/conference sessions
  • Participation in organized interactive distance education programs & activities (tele learning, correspondence, web based, including live webinars that could involve marked assignments)
  • Participation in an organized audio or film presentations/documentaries with interactive discussion either in person or through a live webinar
  • Delivery of organized presentations/activities of professional community outreach (i.e. to schools, community groups)
  • Attendance at credit courses, lectures, or similar learning activity
  • Presentation/delivery of organized landscape architecture courses/lectures and training sessions
  • Publication, including researching and writing, of landscape architecture articles, books and research reports in national and international journals and academic/professional presses
  • Participation on professional, civic, advisory boards and committees (outside regular work duties)
  • Volunteering on SALA Council, committees, task forces, panels
  • Serving as a mentor to an associate member within a mentorship program
  • Credits logged in other CSLA component organizations that meet Structured activity requirements

2. Self-Guided Learning

Self-Guided LU’s are derived from activities that are largely independent and not normally recognized in advance by SALA. To be eligible for credit, Self-Guided activities must be in some way planned, must be educational and yield new knowledge for the individual member and apply to the practice of Landscape Architecture but do not have to include live interaction.

Examples of Activities Deemed to be Self Guided Learning Units

  • Self-directed research (e.g. web, literature, interviews)
  • Critical readings/reviews
  • Critical viewing of relevant films/documentaries
  • Self-guided educational walking tours
  • Self-guided tours and site visits and related discussions or deliverables
  • Critical review of professional development materials/tools (videos, multimedia)
  • Credits logged in other CSLA component organizations that meet Self-Guided activity requirements


Please visit the Canadian Society of Landscape Architecture for more resources to obtain learning credits.  CSLA – Learning Credit Resources