Dear SALA and CSLA Members,
The CSLA and SALA are looking for volunteers to join the 2023 CSLA-SALA Congress Planning Committee!
The 2023 Congress will be co-hosted by the CSLA and the SALA. It will be held June 15-17, 2023 at the TCU Place in Saskatoon.
The CSLA and SALA offices will share the responsibility for the planning. However, we are looking for volunteers from across Saskatchewan to join three sub-committees to help the SALA and CSLA in the development of the event. They are:
Program (Scientific) Committee, this committee will develop a theme, suggest keynote speakers, promote the Call for Abstracts, and evaluate proposed sessions. The involvement of the members of the Program Committee will also be required during the event,
Tours Committee, to develop and coordinate a series of 4-6 tours during the event, and
Trade Show and Sponsorship Coordinator, to work with the CSLA Executive Director and Communications Coordinator to promote the call for exhibitors and sponsors and be an on-site resource for exhibitors during the trade show.
Meetings will be held by videoconference with the CSLA Executive Director and Communications Coordinator coming to Saskatoon to an in-person meeting at a time yet to be determined. Initial meetings will be held monthly, then will be held approximately every 2-3 weeks until the Congress, or as needed.
The meetings will begin in January 2022.
Further Information and Application
If you are interested in serving, please contact Katherine Velluso, Communications Coordinator, CSLA at by Friday, Nov. 12, and indicate which committee interests you.